
Welcome to the home of Dog Writing. That is to say, for the most part, stories written about dogs. I suppose, also, stories written by a dog. I am your host, and this website is a collection of my work. Almost all of it is available through my SoFurry account, which also includes links to two ebook collections I’ve written.

Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to my Patreon, you can read a growing library of such material (which will include the ebook content)—annotated, explained, and otherwise marked up for your enjoyment—here on the site. You can also peruse various elements of worldbuilding and other such things.

Here is the most recent date that the worldbuilding materials I update most often were changed:


And here are the five most recent additions to the site (if you do not have an account, or are not logged in, these links may not work).

May 29, 2019, 3:25 AM
A Casey and Dev story where Casey gets some character development, Devin gets to be the voice of reason, and troubledogs get to save the day. Adult. First posted July 13th 2018. Includes notes and commentary.
May 24, 2019, 11:13 AM
The latest Casey and Dev story, where they pretend to be a respectable couple and it almost works? Almost. Adult. First posted May 24, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
May 5, 2019, 3:37 AM
The second part of the novel, above, with the conclusion and also a little bit of smut. Just a bit! Plus also scary monsters (just a bit). Adult (optionally, includes clean variant). First posted May 5th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
May 4, 2019, 6:47 AM
A fantasy novel with jackals and steampunk technology and magic and, quite possibly, the end of the world. Adult (optionally, includes clean variant). First posted May 4th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
May 3, 2019, 4:36 AM
Set in the same dieselpunk universe as "Keep the Wings Level and True," but about a decade earlier. An action-adventure piece with flying boats, a British spy sheltie, a souped-up P-38, a U-Boat, and more. Adult. Written August, 2015 and first published in the e-anthology "Bodies in Motion." Includes notes and commentary.


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