
Welcome to the home of Dog Writing. That is to say, for the most part, stories written about dogs. I suppose, also, stories written by a dog. I am your host, and this website is a collection of my work. Almost all of it is available through my SoFurry account, which also includes links to two ebook collections I’ve written.

Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to my Patreon, you can read a growing library of such material (which will include the ebook content)—annotated, explained, and otherwise marked up for your enjoyment—here on the site. You can also peruse various elements of worldbuilding and other such things.

Here is the most recent date that the worldbuilding materials I update most often were changed:


And here are the five most recent additions to the site (if you do not have an account, or are not logged in, these links may not work).

Nov 23, 2019, 8:41 AM
A short story of intrigue and ocelots, set in an alternate 1943 with… y’know, death rays and stuff. Adult. First posted November 23rd, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Nov 16, 2019, 7:35 AM
Keetso Edison is an electrician on the sidewheeler Hertiginna when it runs into trouble, and the coyote must join forces with husky surveyor Annie Janssen to save the ship in a Very Steampunk Gold Rush. Adult. First posted December 23rd, 2017. Includes notes and commentary.
Nov 16, 2019, 6:21 AM
The Dark Horse embarks on a salvage operation, and junior helmsman Srivastava points out that, in atmosphere, a lot of people can hear you scream. Clean. First posted November 16th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Nov 16, 2019, 3:30 AM
Casey and Dev's relationship continues to evolve, and even more loose ends are tied up. That's the purpose of this story. Really. Adult. First posted November 9th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Nov 2, 2019, 6:01 AM
The Long Tall Sally responds to a distress call, and Casey and Dev do some growing. Maybe. Adult. First posted November 2nd, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.


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