
Welcome to the home of Dog Writing. That is to say, for the most part, stories written about dogs. I suppose, also, stories written by a dog. I am your host, and this website is a collection of my work. Almost all of it is available through my SoFurry account, which also includes links to two ebook collections I’ve written.

Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to my Patreon, you can read a growing library of such material (which will include the ebook content)—annotated, explained, and otherwise marked up for your enjoyment—here on the site. You can also peruse various elements of worldbuilding and other such things.

Here is the most recent date that the worldbuilding materials I update most often were changed:


And here are the five most recent additions to the site (if you do not have an account, or are not logged in, these links may not work).

Oct 26, 2019, 7:08 AM
Aric contends with the consequences of what he's done, and tries for a measure of peace. Clean. First posted October 26th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Oct 12, 2019, 5:19 AM
The penultimate chapter of The Valiant and the Bold, in which a Rubicon is crossed. Adult. First posted October 12th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Sep 28, 2019, 9:57 AM
Competing factions bring the crisis in Tabisthalia to a head, and Aric gets a new job. Clean. First posted September 28th, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Sep 21, 2019, 6:03 AM
Joan Findlay, more troubled than usual, considers her options during a bit of pleasant weather. Adult. First posted September 21st, 2019. Includes notes and commentary.
Sep 15, 2019, 9:30 AM
A traveling monk learning about the world attempts to do well by his order in resisting the attractions of Issenrik and its inhabitants. Adult. First posted May, 2013 in the anthology Matters Out of Place. Includes notes, inline translations, and commentary.


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